SEO Migration Checklist: what to know when migrating your website

Website migration can be a daunting task, but it is sometimes necessary for businesses that are rebranding, switching to a new platform, or improving site performance. While migration offers opportunities for enhanced design, improved functionality, and even better search engine optimization (SEO), it also comes with risks that can significantly impact your site’s organic traffic.

Without a solid SEO migration checklist, your website’s rankings can suffer, leading to a loss in visibility, traffic, and revenue. This article provides a comprehensive SEO migration checklist to ensure that your website maintains or improves its search engine rankings during and after migration. Check the seo provider checklist

What Is Website Migration?

Website migration involves making significant changes to your site, which can include moving from one domain to another, restructuring URLs, redesigning the website, or changing the hosting provider. These changes often affect how search engines crawl and index your site, which can impact your SEO.

Common types of website migration include:

  • Domain Migration: Moving from one domain name to another (e.g., to
  • Platform Migration: Switching from one content management system (CMS) or platform (e.g., WordPress to Shopify).
  • Protocol Migration: Changing from HTTP to HTTPS for security reasons.
  • Design and UX Migration: Implementing a new design or user experience.
  • URL Restructuring: Modifying your site’s URL structure to make it more SEO-friendly.

Why SEO Migration Matters

Migration can disrupt your site’s performance on search engines if not handled correctly. Some common SEO issues that arise during migration include broken links, duplicate content, loss of keyword rankings, and a decrease in crawlability. Having a well-planned SEO migration strategy ensures that you:

  • Preserve your existing rankings and traffic.
  • Avoid technical issues like 404 errors or broken links.
  • Ensure search engines continue to understand and rank your website appropriately.

SEO Migration Checklist

To safeguard your SEO during a website migration, follow these steps:

1. Benchmark Your Current Performance

Before you begin the migration process, it’s essential to take stock of your website’s current SEO performance. This will serve as a baseline for post-migration comparisons.

What to do:

  • Check Current Rankings: Identify your high-traffic and high-ranking pages using tools like Google Search Console, SEMrush, or Ahrefs.
  • Record Organic Traffic Levels: Take note of your organic traffic volume to see how the migration impacts performance later.
  • Crawl Your Website: Use tools like Screaming Frog or Sitebulb to crawl your entire site and create a snapshot of your existing URL structure, internal links, and SEO metadata.
  • Evaluate Backlinks: Check your current backlinks profile and make sure you know which pages are attracting the most valuable inbound links.

2. Create a 301 Redirect Plan

One of the most crucial steps in SEO migration is setting up 301 redirects. These permanent redirects inform search engines that a URL has moved to a new location. Without proper redirects, search engines may return 404 errors, causing a drop in rankings and traffic.

What to do:

  • Map Old URLs to New URLs: Ensure every important page on your old site has a corresponding page on your new site. If possible, maintain the same URL structure, but if changes are necessary, map the old URLs to their new counterparts.
  • Use 301 Redirects: Implement 301 redirects to guide users and search engines to the new URLs. Avoid 302 redirects (temporary) as they do not transfer the full SEO equity.
  • Test Redirects: Before going live, test the redirects to ensure they work properly and avoid redirect chains.

3. Review the New Website’s Structure

Changes in website architecture can affect how search engines crawl and index your content. A clear and logical structure ensures that search engines can easily understand the hierarchy of your content, helping to preserve or improve rankings.

What to do:

  • Maintain a Flat Structure: Ensure your site structure is as flat as possible, meaning important pages should not be buried deep within multiple subfolders.
  • Optimize Internal Links: Make sure internal linking remains intact and that there are no broken links. Optimize your internal linking structure to guide users and search engines to your most important pages.
  • Use SEO-Friendly URLs: Ensure your new URL structure is optimized for SEO by using clean, descriptive URLs. Avoid unnecessary parameters and complex folder hierarchies.

4. Optimize Content and Meta Tags

Migrating your website provides a good opportunity to revisit and improve your existing content and metadata, ensuring it is optimized for relevant keywords and search intent.

What to do:

  • Check Title Tags and Meta Descriptions: Ensure all title tags and meta descriptions are migrated properly or optimized for SEO. Avoid duplications and ensure they accurately reflect the page content.
  • Review Header Tags (H1, H2, etc.): Ensure your header tags (H1, H2, etc.) are properly structured and optimized with relevant keywords.
  • Check for Duplicate Content: If you’re migrating large volumes of content, it’s easy to accidentally create duplicate content, which can harm your SEO. Use tools like Siteliner to identify and fix duplicate content issues.

5. Maintain or Improve Site Speed

Site speed is a ranking factor, and a slow-loading website can negatively affect both user experience and search engine rankings.

What to do:

  • Optimize Images: Compress and optimize images for faster load times.
  • Minimize JavaScript and CSS: Ensure that your new website uses efficient, optimized code for better performance.
  • Use a CDN: A Content Delivery Network (CDN) can significantly improve site speed by delivering content to users from servers close to their location.

6. Ensure Mobile-Friendliness

With Google’s mobile-first indexing, ensuring that your new website is fully responsive and mobile-friendly is crucial for maintaining SEO rankings.

What to do:

  • Test Mobile Responsiveness: Use Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test tool to verify that your website functions well on mobile devices.
  • Optimize for Mobile Users: Ensure that your mobile site has fast load times, easy navigation, and readable fonts to provide a seamless user experience.

7. Update Your XML Sitemap and Robots.txt

A well-structured XML sitemap and robots.txt file help search engines crawl your new site effectively.

What to do:

  • Generate a New XML Sitemap: Ensure your new site has an updated XML sitemap that reflects the new URL structure. Submit this to Google Search Console and Bing Webmaster Tools.
  • Review Your Robots.txt File: Double-check that your robots.txt file doesn’t block important pages or sections of your site that you want to be crawled.

8. Monitor the Migration

Once your new site goes live, it’s essential to closely monitor its performance to identify any issues that could impact SEO.

What to do:

  • Monitor Indexing: Use Google Search Console to ensure that Google is indexing your new pages. Submit your sitemap to accelerate the process.
  • Check for 404 Errors: Look out for any 404 errors and fix them promptly by setting up additional 301 redirects if necessary.
  • Track Rankings: Use your SEO tools to monitor keyword rankings and organic traffic. Watch for any major fluctuations, and be ready to investigate and fix any drops.

9. Test and Audit Post-Migration

After the migration is complete, perform a full audit of your new site to ensure everything is functioning correctly.

What to do:

  • Crawl the New Site: Use a crawler tool like Screaming Frog to audit the new site for broken links, missing meta tags, and 404 errors.
  • Check for Duplicate Pages: Make sure there are no duplicate pages, which can harm your SEO efforts.
  • Recheck Redirects: Test all 301 redirects to ensure they are working properly and pointing to the correct URLs.

10. Communicate the Migration

Finally, it’s important to notify search engines and users about the migration.

What to do:

  • Submit Change of Address in Google Search Console: If you’re moving to a new domain, use Google’s “Change of Address” tool to notify them of the migration.
  • Notify Users: Use email, social media, and website banners to inform your audience about the migration, especially if the site is temporarily down or undergoing maintenance.


Website migration can be complex, but by following this SEO migration checklist, you can minimize the risks associated with losing organic rankings and traffic. Proper planning, execution, and post-migration monitoring are critical to ensuring that your website maintains its SEO health during the transition. Whether you’re switching domains, upgrading your platform, or redesigning your site, a well-thought-out SEO strategy during migration will ensure long-term success.

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